Virtual Museum on Industrial Property

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Virtual Museum on Industrial Property

The Virtual Museum on Industrial Property is available on-line from 2003. It was developed within the framework of the OEPM-UAM Agreement for the Cataloguing and Studying of Historical Patent and Trademark Documentation. The museum offers distinct galleries with information of significant inventors, entrepreneurs and IPR practitioners, together with awesome collections of patents, trademarks and industrial design.

Content: Images and materials related to industrial property (patents, trademarks and design), including biographies, animated patents, and other resources.

Dates: XV-XXth centuries

Please cite this as: Patricio Sáiz, Luis Blázquez, Francisco Llorens y Francisco Cayón (Dirs.) (2003), Museo virtual de la propiedad industrial / Virtual Museum on Industrial Property, OEPM-UAM (2003-2020), Madrid.


Patricio Sáiz
Francisco Llorens
Luis Blázquez
Francisco Cayón